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20 Must-Know Insects & Bugs in Las Vegas That Bite & Sting!

Las Vegas is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world and is famed as the city that never sleeps. No wonder too. This city is full of entertainment, excitement, and fun. The lights are always on, and the party never stops.

But in our eternal quest to have a good time, we sometimes forget that pesky little bugs and insects that like to bite and sting us also don’t stop just because we’re having a good time.

Right here we’ll take a look at some of the most common insects and bugs in Las Vegas, as well as what they look like and where they like to hide. All so you can enjoy your time in the city without worrying about being bitten or stung. Let’s get started! Pavone

20 Bugs & Insects in Las Vegas That Bite & Sting

1. Africanized Bees

Africanized bees look a bit like your average honeybee but their abdomens are black with yellow stripes on their thoraxes. They are usually found in Las Vegas in the warmer months, as they prefer warm weather.

You can find them around tall grass, trees, and shrubs. They typically nest underground or inside walls, though they may also build their hives in trees.

The sting of an Africanized bee is like the sting of any other bee, but it’s just more painful. The pain can last for several hours or even days after being stung. You should treat it with ice packs or over-the-counter painkillers if you can take them. You will need to go to the hospital immediately if you think you are having an allergic reaction to these Las Vegas bugs.

2. Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets are aggressive little wasps that pack quite a punch. They have black bodies with yellow stripes on their heads and thoraxes, and you can find them hanging out around trees, shrubs, flowers, or other tall plants in Las Vegas.

They prefer to live in wooded areas with lots of shade and moisture. These insects build their nests in tree hollows, rocks or logs, trash cans, or even homes.

The sting of a yellow jacket can be very painful and may cause swelling at the bite site. If a yellow jacket stings you it is essential to remove the stinger, then it is important to wash the area with soap and water to prevent infection.

If you experience shortness of breath or difficulty breathing after being stung by a yellow jacket, seek medical attention immediately.

3. Hornets

Hornets are a type of wasp, usually black or brown, with yellow stripes on their abdomen. They’re known for their bright colours and long antennae. You can find them in the suburbs and rural Las Vegas, especially in parks and gardens during summer.

The sting of a hornet is painful, and it may cause swelling or itching for up to 24 hours after being stung. A person stung by a hornet should seek medical attention if they experience difficulty breathing or swallowing, have trouble seeing or hearing, feel dizzy or faint, or have any other concerning symptoms following the sting.

4. Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are tiny, brownish flies that you can find worldwide. They are one of the most common bugs in Las Vegas, and you can find them throughout the city. You can find mosquitoes in areas with standing water such as yards and swimming pools. They also like to hang out near bushes, trees and tall grasses.

The bite of a mosquito can cause swelling, itching, redness and pain. The bite may also leave behind a bump or blister on your skin. If you are allergic to mosquito bites, you may experience more severe symptoms like fever, nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, rashes and hives. You should see your doctor if you suspect an allergic reaction from a mosquito bite. Sauko

5. Wasps

Wasps are a type of insect typically yellow and black, with black stripes on their wings. You can find them in many different areas of Las Vegas, including parks and residential areas.

The pain from a wasp sting can last several hours, and you should remove the stinger as soon as possible so that your body does not continue to react to it. If you experience any redness or swelling around the area where you were stung, you should seek medical attention immediately, as this could indicate an allergic reaction.

6. Desert Hairy Scorpions

Desert Hairy Scorpions are one of the most common scorpions and bugs in Las Vegas. These scorpions are tan or beige, with a darker brown or black stripe running down their backs. You can find desert hairy scorpions in dry arid regions throughout the southwest.

You can spot them under logs, rocks, wood piles and other debris that they use as shelter from the hot sun and predators.

If you get stung by one of these scorpions it may feel like a bee sting and should only hurt for a few minutes before you start to feel better.

However, if you have an allergic reaction to it, you may experience more severe symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, difficulty breathing and swelling around your eyes or lips. If this happens, seek medical attention immediately.

7. Fire Ants

Fire ants are tiny red insects typically measuring about 1/4 inch in length. Their bodies are wingless and have an oval shape with three distinct segments. Fire Ants like hot weather and tend to live in sunny areas such as fields, lawns, playgrounds, parks, or any place where there is little vegetation or shade.

The stings from a fire ant looks like a red dot that has been pinched or pricked by a needle. It can be painful though and that pain could last from five minutes to an hour, depending on the amount of venom injected into the skin. You should treat fire ant bites with ice packs or cold compresses until swelling decreases and pain subsides. Be wary of allergic reactions and seek medical help if needed.

8. Bark Scorpions

Bark scorpions range from 2 to 4 inches long, and are usually brown, black, or tan. You can find bark scorpions in dry areas such as desert scrub, rocky hillsides, and mountainsides. So you shouldn’t come across one in the city center, but it’s best to keep an eye out.

These Las Vegas bugs prefers to live in areas with little vegetation where it can quickly burrow into the ground to escape from its predators. They prefer locations such as gravel roads or dusty trails where they can hide under loose rocks or piles of dead leaves without much effort.

If you get stung by a bark scorpion, it’s essential to treat the wound immediately. The sting will be painful, and your skin may swell up, but it should feel better within a few hours. You can reduce swelling by applying an ice pack or taking an antihistamine.

However, if you have an allergic reaction to the bite, you should seek medical attention immediately because your throat may swell up, making breathing difficult.

9. Oriental Cockroaches

Oriental cockroaches are one of the most common species of cockroaches and bugs in Las Vegas. They can be found in homes and other buildings throughout the city

These Las Vegas bugs can be distinguished from other cockroaches by their shiny, smooth appearance and elongated shape. They prefer warm temperatures, so they like to live in buildings in places like attics or basements.

The bite from an oriental cockroach is not poisonous or harmful in any way, but they can spread disease. While their bites can cause irritation and itching, there is usually no need to treat them with medication. But if you feel concerned after you’ve been bitten or stung by an oriental cockroach, speak with your doctor about any additional treatment options that may be available to you.

10. Desert Recluse Spider

The desert recluse spider is a tiny brown spider with a violin-shaped marking on its back. They are medium-sized spiders that have brownish-grey colouring on their body and legs.

They like to make their nests under rocks and logs, cracks and crevices of homes, wood piles, and other debris in dry areas.

If one of these spiders bites you, you may experience swelling, redness and pain around the area where it bites you. The bite can also cause fever, nausea and vomiting. Wash the area thoroughly with soap and water and apply an antibiotic cream or ointment. You should seek medical attention if symptoms worsen or persist.

11. Crickets

Crickets are generally brown or black, with long antennae, rounded heads, cylindrical bodies, and thin legs with long thighs. In Las Vegas, crickets are usually found in areas such as yards, gardens, parks, under rocks and logs or in flower pots.

A cricket bite may be painful but is usually not harmful to humans since their mouthparts are too small to break through our skin tissue layers effectively enough to cause serious harm.

However, some people can develop an allergic reaction from being bitten by this insect which causes swelling around the bite area and difficulty breathing due to airway constriction. If you experience these symptoms after being bitten by a cricket, seek medical attention immediately. Denis

12. Black Widow Spider

Black widow spiders are the size of a quarter and have a distinctive red hourglass marking on their abdomen. They are highly poisonous and typically like to live in dark, secluded areas outdoors, such as under rocks or debris piles, and in cool places like closets, basements, and garages.

They usually build their webs in areas where there’s lots of insect traffic, like in between brick walls or under trash cans.

The bite of a black widow spider can be painful and potentially dangerous. The pain usually lasts several hours, but it may last for days or weeks in some people.

If you get bitten by a black widow spider, you should seek medical attention immediately. The venom can cause muscle spasms, nausea and vomiting for up to two weeks after being bitten, abdominal pain, fever and chills.

13. Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small, oval-shaped insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They have segmented bodies and are brown to red. They can be in your home or hotel, and are most commonly found in beds, sofas, chairs, carpets and other furniture. But they can also be in crevices in walls and floorboards.

The bite of a bed bug is painless and typically doesn’t cause any immediate symptoms. However, itchy red welts may appear at the bite site several days later. Treatment is usually not required unless you experience an allergic reaction. If you encounter an allergic reaction, seek medical attention immediately, as anaphylaxis can occur with severe reactions to bed bug bites.

14. Sun Spider

Sun spiders (also know as camel spiders) are usually yellow or tan and have a rounded abdomen. Their bodies are full of hair, which makes them look furry. They are commonly found in areas with tall grass and wooded areas but can also be found on walls, rocks, windowsills, or basements.

The bite of a sun spider is not deadly, but it can cause a lot of itching, irritation, and some swelling. If you think a sun spider has bitten you, wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and water, then apply an antibiotic ointment. If you still have issues or think you may be allergic, see a doctor for further treatment options.

15. Carpenter Bee

Carpenter Bees are big bees that resemble bumble bees. They are about 1 inch long and have a shiny black body and smooth abdomen. They are usually found in the warmer areas of Las Vegas, such as Summerlin and Centennial Hills. Their nests are typically in dead trees, but you may also find them building their homes in fences or decks.

The sting of a carpenter bee feels like being stabbed by several normal bees at once! It is excruciating and may cause swelling or inflammation around the area where it bites you. If you get stung by one, wash the area with soap and water and apply an antiseptic cream or lotion to ease the pain.

16. Beetles

A beetle is an insect with rigid wing cases and a long, narrow head. Beetles are most commonly found outdoors in Las Vegas, in gardens, fences, and homes. They can also be found on flowers, shrubs, trees, rocks, logs, or other debris.

The bite of a beetle looks like a raised bump on your skin, which turns red and then purple before finally healing. It can feel hot, itchy, and painful for about a day after being bitten. You do not need to treat the bite of a beetle unless you develop an infection from it. You should see your doctor as soon as possible if there is an infection.

17. Fleas

Fleas are tiny, wingless insects living off of their hosts’ blood. They have piercing mouthparts that allow them to suck blood from their host. Fleas can be found on cats, dogs, and other mammals, but can also be found in gardens, parks and yards with lush vegetation or debris to hide amongst.

Flea bites cause itching and irritation in humans and animals alike. You don’t need to treat flea bites unless you have an allergic reaction to their saliva, or bite marks appear alongside symptoms such as swelling or redness around the bite location. If this is the case, you should see a doctor.

18. Gnat

Gnats are small, black flies that can be found most often around water, like ponds, puddles, streams and lakes. This insect has long legs, wings, and long antennae.

Gnat bites can be painful and itchy. They tend to be red and swollen, but they should heal without any treatment within a few days. You shouldn’t need to treat gnat bites with medication unless they become infected or cause an allergic reaction. If you experience dizziness or nausea after the bite, or anything else that could indicate an allergy, then seek medical attention immediately.

19. Termites

Termites are typically brown or yellowish-brown in colour. These bugs in Las Vegas are usually found in wood but can also be in soil and mulch. They like to live under the ground where it is dark and moist. But you can also find them in yards, homes and garages.

Termites bite with their mandibles which can cause a painful swelling lasting up to several days. You don’t usually need to treat termite bites unless they get infected by a bacteria or virus, which could lead to further complications.

20. Centipedes

Centipedes are usually brown or black with long segmented bodies and many pairs of legs. They can be in various environments, including temperate forests, grasslands, deserts, and caves. They can also be found under rocks or logs, but they will also hide inside dark spaces in your home, like closets or basements.

Their bites can cause painful reactions like swelling, redness and itching at the bite site. These reactions can last several days or longer depending on individual sensitivity to their venomous bites. You don’t need to treat centipede bites because they don’t carry disease, and their bites shouldn’t be dangerous. However, you should see a doctor immediately if you have an allergic reaction to the centipede’s poison or if it has bitten you more than once.

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